Wardrobe Wednesday: Ryan's Ritzy Attire

Picture of Stephania Jugo

Stephania Jugo

Richmond native, Ryan Carson, took us on a tour of her expansive and curated closet, or glam room more like. Following the likeness of her favorite style influencers @madisonxwild and @briidgetbrown, Carson has her own set of unique staple items and outfit formulas. Carson describes her specific style as “chic” and “feminine” as she’s drawn to silky tops and long skirts. She’s also not afraid of accessorizing to give life to an outfit; her favorite sidekicks coming in the form of silver jewelry and patterned scarves.

From trying on her mom’s vintage heels as a little girl, to adding Sandy Liang’s newest sling backs to her wishlist, Carson has always been drawn to fashion. This fashion merchandising alum grew up grasping trends right at her fingertips by playing every styling game available on her treasured Nintendo DS. Carson went on to expand her fashion horizon through experimenting with her school outfits. She reminisces on how confident she felt putting on certain pieces that she wouldn’t even touch today as her style has evolved and grown. Carson even keeps a reminder of her start in fashion in the form of her dad’s letterman jacket.

Carson defines her style evolution as a “learning process,” as she continues to draw inspiration from all sectors of the fashion industry. She loves to second-hand shop, either consignment or vintage, because of this. Carson enjoys finding older brands to show off in combination with her trendy pieces. She’s not exclusive when it comes to where she buys her unique pieces however. Carson loves a good sale! She has become a master of mixing and matching garments to fit her aesthetic. No matter what new patterns or elements come in and out of the fashion world, one thing is for sure: Carson will never go out of style!